Mark Barretts's Wakeskate Winch Home Made (remote controlled)

Hi all, i was sent a SMS by my son the day before he went to Kenya for 2 weeks it was ("build a Beach winch for under $500 ) dad this is right up your alley.
So the challenge was on and yep this was my kind of project, so many hours of internet surfing for motors .clutches , chains , spools ect and then i went out on a journey to find objects to make a spool ,each day different materials , plastic , wood , paint tin lids . pizza trays all too weak or too small for a spool then i had the perfect walls for my spool 320mm Stainless steel with 25mm centres so this project was under way, some M10 all thread and M10 Id pipe and the spool was underway , holes were marked out for the 7inch ID spool and 6 bars bolted accross to form the inner spool.
A 6.5 Hp honda clone motor and a Cut Price Racing 12 tooth #35 Centrifugal clutch/Chain made up the drive trainby
the frame was Mig welded by the son inlaw who wanted IN with this project , as fairleads were expensive i decided to make my own from some scrap alluminuim.
By this time my son was home and blown away, but more concerned about the color and style than mechanics !!!!! Like who cares if it dosnt go It looks shit hot though dad.
Pillow block bearings mounted, motor fitted , called Paul from CPR and asked for his preferred gearing then went against his expert judgement and had to order another sprocket (more money for Paul ) chain also from CPR , brought 220 meters of 4mm poly rope for a cool $34 , Fitted some wheels and 50x50 SHS to plug into the tow bar, We fired the beast up but found that we needed a chain tensioner ,off with the sons skateboard wheel and a tensioner was made up (board is hiding under the bench)and then it was down to the local swamp for a test run at 4pm and 7 degree, the boys were pumped with my son and His mate Matt providing the entertainment (ex junior wakeboard champion) and some cans of Jim Beam ( for thermal reasons only) the test got going there was huge hi 5s and lots of strange dancing when Matty wake skated to the shore Ahhhh success, both the boys skating accross 100 meters water infested with water rats and household rubbish.
We could not deep start due to the load on the motor/clutch so all the boys have chipped in and AGAIN we have bought a torque converter from CPR , the frame is getting powder coated by a mate for free (he gets to ride for free) ,All who have contributed will be sporting their relevent stickers and Paul you can ride for free if your down in Vic. We have tested and yes the torque converter clutch has lived up to its name it is a supercharger for a 6.5hp motor the boys are stoked.

Thanks to ll that helped out - Corey (my son), steve J - welding ect, Mello - Paint and Aluminium, Matt D - Machining, Matt R - test riding and getting excited , My wife and kids for not seeing me for the past 5 weeks , Paul Jones @ Cut Price Racing for parts and advice Cheers from R.A.D Winches (Ride All Day) just an update on the winch , we have tested and have ironed out some small bugs , we are in the process of fitting servos and will be running it by remote controll soon using a digital futaba remote system