Home :: PROJECT - Terry Tinnng's CPR Build

PROJECT - Terry Tinnng's CPR Build

PROJECT - Terry Tinnng's CPR Build

While everyone else has been sleeping, backyard engineer Terry has been fettling this incredible build.  Starting with just a bare frame, he's managed to complete an awesome 4-stroke build worthy of anyone's garage!

Terry has managed to do what most CPR clients set out to acheive - a ground up restoration of a used frame, using cost-effective CPR Kart Parts to produce a super-modern kart at a fraction of the price of a similar brand new kart.

Have a look at what Terry has achieved!  Doesn't it look awesome!

Almost all parts on Terry's kart are CPR components,

I have a feeling you'll see Terry out at your track soon, so watch out - his kart is a belter!  You may only see the rear end of it though!