After sales Serivce\Support and Delivery
It took me a while to realise that for anyone wanting to build a race Kart that want to be part of a club should probably be purchasing parts from their local Kart store. When I first started... I knew nothing.... I had be given a 6.5hp honda clone engine and thought, I'd love to build a Kart as a project with my boy. Turns out after months of trial and error, I kinda feel that I've gained a huge amount of experience.
I have to say that a significant amount of my knowledge has come from Paul directly (the rest was from you tube believe it or not). I would call, and he would always answer all my questions. And he really made me feel like he cared. He even remembered my name (I did call him a few times). He gave me advice and really helped me get though this project. I'll be honest.... I spent alot more than I expected. I mean... at the start I thought I could build a go kart for $400. I was going to make everything.. but as my son and I got deeper into the project, we really wanted a kinda of "race Kart"... Even though ours isn't a proper race Kart, (and even though I spent well over $400 (I'm not going to say the total in case my wife ever reads this).... I can say that I'm very happy with what we achieved, and couldn't have done it without the prodcts from CRP.
I would have absolutely no hesitation in recommending to anyone who's considering building a recreational Kart, to shop online at CRP. In fact I've already done so... I was driving my Kart up and down my street a few times... just to test to out.. and people litterally stop me to ask all about it. (I was surprised at how many people are into Karting). One guy who used to race... pulled me over was amazed at how good it was (for a home made 4 stroke kart) and deciced to give me his old race suit....
The point I wanted to make was these products really suit anyone looking at building a cost effective recreational Kart.
Lastly, the after sales service exceeded my expectations. There were a few products that I needed to return as I wasn't happy with them... Repleacements were sent out without any delays. All deleiveries (warranty or new purchases) always seemed to be sent out on the same day. I was very impressed.
My son and I are honestly very happy and could not ask for a better result. (We're 90% finished. just need to mount the pods and get a sticker kit).
