BRAND NEW Hydraulic Brake Calliper and Master
Weld-on bracket to suit calliper included - makes life a breeze fitting this fantastic unit.
Shim kit included to accomodate larger 12mm ventillated discs. You won't need anything else with this kit!
This is the NEW CPR PRO-RACE hydraulic brake assembly. It has been completely re-designed and overhauled from our old model. This kit has been professionally designed by a sports brake company and provides superior smooth trouble-free operation with the same fantastic benefits such as low price and flexibility of connection. Plus we've provided a template for a bracket so it's perfect for a project.
Direct connection for CPR chassis.
The CPR PRO-RACE assembly has considerably more stopping power and much larger pads compared to our recreational set (BKHC01). This kit will work on larger discs (like 12 or 18mm width discs) effectively.
Highest quality connections and coated braided lines with protection sleeves.
Approx 105cm long line.
Suits up to 6mm disc in standard form using the supplied bracket and bolts.
*Suit up to 12mm disc if fitted with optional spacers/washers (supplied - 1 pack required)
*Suit up to 18mm disc if fitted with optional spacers/washers (not supplied - SEE RELATED PRODUCTS to purchase these from us - 2 packs requred)
^Mounting bracket supplied to suit 63mm brackets, or remove bracket and mount each calliper either side of the chassis bracket. (When used in this configuration minimum disc size is 6mm+Bracket width)
A= 57 or 63mm^, B=Up To 18mm*, C=33mm
- 1x Dual hyrdaulic line Master Cylinder
- 1x Dual line calliper with 67mm wide pads
Designed for use with DOT3 or DOT4 fluid.
Suitable for most brands of recreational and race go karts.
Need to make a bracket for these? There is now a template for bracket in pictures above. (Template not included in package - downloadable only)

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