Are you looking for the absolute pinacle in performance to give you the best advantage out on the track? Do you want to win races, rather than spending time mid-field? Then the Cheetah from NORAM is the clutch that will take you there!
Introducing the exciting new Cheetah Racing Go Kart Clutch – soon to be recognized as the fastest 4-cycle racing clutch in kart racing history. Designed by the award winning engineers at NORAM, the most powerful name in kart racing, this new entry is destined to become a legend in its own time. Be first on the track to run a Cheetah – and be first across the finish line.
35 Pitch Disc-Type Competition Clutch suit High Performance 4-stroke engines.
Suits Standard 19mm Drive Shaft (3/4") as used on most 6.5hp engines.
219P 20T sprockets also available.
Default rpm engagement is 4000rpm - Fully adjustable engagement from ~2000rpm through to 4500rpm when bought with the optional weight set CSWCH1 . No springs required - easy to adjust. This clutch will not only outlast other clutches when coupled with a high-rpm 4-stroke engine revving upwards of 8500rpm but it will also provide easy and convenient adjustment of engagement speed so that you can match the torque curve of your engine - allowing faster exits from turns.
Can be mounted inboard or outboard.
Complete unit with Drum and Clutch. Assembled ready-to-go.
All Individual components available from CPR so if you break something, you can just buy the bit that breaks rather than replacing the entire clutch!
Introducing the exciting new Cheetah Racing Go Kart Clutch – soon to be recognized as the fastest 4-cycle racing clutch in kart racing history. Designed by the award winning engineers at NORAM, the most powerful name in kart racing, this new entry is destined to become a legend in its own time. Be first on the track to run a Cheetah – and be first across the finish line.
FEATURES AND BENEFITS: Less weight on the crankshaft. • Less spring binding. Better lock-up. • Cooler running. • Longer running. • Optional 10T 420P, #35 12, 13, 14, and 15 tooth kart sprockets which accommodate variances in track dynamics and shapes, changing the ratio for faster or slower racing conditions. There is nothing faster than a Cheetah.
Need dimensions?
Outer diameter of the housing is 100mm
In stationary state the depth including levers is 71mm (measured from the outer extent of the inner shaft on the drive sprocket side of the clutch to the farthest point on the levers)
The levers will protrude approximately an additional 7mm at high rpm. It is recommended to leave at least 10mm free space between the levers and your seat, 15mm+ is better and shroud your seat with alloy plate as a safety precaution.
View or download the user manual / maintenance guide here:
View or download the Engagement speed adjustment manual / guide here:
View or download the spring replacement guide here:
