I’ve recently purchased a CPR GT clutch, #35 chain and multiple split sprockets for my kids kart.
It is a home built chassis but none the less a great opportunity for them to experience the fun of karting. T
he CPR GT clutch has offered affordable versatility to allow me to experiment with all sorts of engagement rates and RPMs – a must for someone who has little experience.
I’ve tried slow, normal and fast engagement through the simple internal adjustments as outlined in your tech notes, and as the different spring sets are so affordable I’ve also been able to ensure I can effectively use the engine characteristics.
Your range of very affordable split sprockets, chains and tech advise has enabled me to get the right gear ratio to ensure the clutch does not get overloaded.
I live several hours from Brisbane and have been impressed by how quick my orders have arrived – usually only 2 days!
Thanks for helping my kids live the dream.