Breanna-Lee Formosa

CLASS Junior 1
RACING EXPERIENCE I have had no racing experience. I did a year of Test n Tunes in 2018. The only race I had in 2018 was at the Bob Gartside which I claimed my first ever win. I was also on the winning team for the Bob Gartside Cup Trophy. 2019 is my first Race Season in Junior 1 and I have had a couple of wins so far.
HOBBIES Listening to music, camping, go karting and swimming
THIS YEAR'S GOAL I would like to finish in the top 3 of my Group for the 2019 Race Season

I had my first ever go in go kart 3 years ago and yes I was hooked. Mum and Dad finally brought me my very own go kart in 2017 which was fantastic. Since my 2 brothers Dayle and Blake had their own Karts already why not get one for me. Blake in particular definitely liked it as he had to take my rims for his own kart, but that's ok I will be a better driver than them one day and that's what I keep telling them anyway.
I raced in Rookies last year and my goal was to just have fun and get as much track time as I could. I had my first win on the Bob Gartside weekend last year which was super cool and I was on the overall winning team for that weekend. I have to say a big Thank you to Barry Reberger for giving me my engine that keeps me racing.
This year I moved to Junior 1 and took out my first win for points in Round . I think Round 4 has been my best so far with taking out 2 wins on the Night.
If I'm not in my kart I am always out at the Track helping out in any way I can.
I would have to say the highlight of my time on the track was last year at a mentoring day when my Mum, Dad and my brothers got to get on the track all at the same time. I love getting out their at the Test N Tunes having fun with all my friends, especially with Amarni Harders.
This year's goal for me would have to be mainly just to have fun but I would like to finish in the top 3 of my group. My long term goals would have to be
1 Race against my 2 brothers and the lovely Tayla Keats and
2 win more trophies than my brothers
3 learn to build my own engines
My brothers call me a sponsored driver because they say they do everything but after all I'm their little sister so they should really.