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How to create a new post

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How to create a new post

Postby cutpriceracing » Mon Feb 24, 2014 5:42 am

Want to post something on our Forum? Great! It's really easy. Here's a quick run-down on how to do it.

Firstly you'll need to log in.

You'll need to register if you haven't already done so. Do this by clicking the "Register" link - you can learn how to register easily here:

Logging in is done by clicking LOGIN at the top right of the board screen. Enter your username and password and click LOGIN
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Select the forum and section you'd like to put your post into by clicking that section.
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When you're in a section allowing posts, you'll see the NEW TOPIC text. Click it to create your new post.
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You will now see the editor. It's fully functional. Firstly, you'll need to add a subject to your topic, and start typing something into the body of the post.
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Put pictures into your post by uploading them as attachments and then placing them inside using the place inline option. You don't have to place them inline, but it's easier to work with the pictures if you do.

1. Click the "upload attachment tab"
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2. Browse for your picture on your hard drive by clicking the "Browse" button
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3. Find the picture you'd like to upload and click "Open"
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4. Upload the file into the board by clicking "Add the file"
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5. Move the cursor to the place you want to put your picture inside your post body. Then go down to the posted attachment you'd like to put into your post and click "place inline"
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Notice the code is put in place, you won't actually see the pictures inside until you submit your post.
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You can edit text inside the post by highlighting it and selecting the options along the top of the body. For example, you can change font size by highlighting the text and clicking the FONT SIZE drop down box then selecting the size you'd like to use.
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Here's what the body looks like once you've clicked HUGE
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If you like, you can Change the Colour of the text by using the same method and clicking the colour of text drop down box and selecting in this case lime:
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Want to copy a document directly from Microsoft Word? That's easy - just go into your word document and highlight the text, select copy:
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Then put the cursor where you'd like the copied text fromt he document to go into your post and click the Paste from word icon on the top bar of the post body:
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A converter will appear as a pop-up window - Press CTRL+V on your keyboard to paste the document text into the converter:
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Click "Insert" in the pop up window to place the document text into your post.
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Save your post into the board by clicking the Submit post button.
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You will see this confirmation:
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You can also EDIT or DELETE your post (only you, and the administrators can delete or edit your post - other users of the board cannot modify your post)
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To delete one of your posts, click DELETE then click YES on the confirmation screeen
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Joined: Fri Sep 14, 2012 6:50 am

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