Home :: Steering Components :: Bosses, Collars & Retainers :: Steering Boss for Steering Wheel 20mmID + Blue Anodised Washers & Bolt Kit

Steering Boss for Steering Wheel 20mmID + Blue Anodised Washers & Bolt Kit

Steering Boss for Steering Wheel 20mmID + Blue Anodised Washers & Bolt Kit

Brand New steering boss suit 20mm shaft.  Standard Go Kart PCD - 3x 41mm


*Now includes FREE Anodised Washer and Bolt Kit!


Boss is silver, colour of countersunk washers as per title and picture


- 1x 20mm ID Angled Steering Boss

- 3x 6mm Countersunk Washers (in the colour pictured)

- 3x Countersunk high tensile bolts to fit steering wheel

- 1x High tensile bolt to fit & lock boss to shaft

- 4x Nylocs

- 4x Washers


Everything you need to bolt your steering wheel to you shaft.



Brand New

Regular price: $919.06
Price with FREE DELIVERY: $29.95
including GST 10%
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