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Win A CPR S 10hp Engine! (EXPIRED)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 3:04 am
by cutpriceracing
We've tallied up entries, put them in a huge hat, and then it was drawn by our neighbor (you know, just to keep it unbiased!).

The winner of our AWESOME $479 Sports 4-Stroke engine in our DIY competition is ALAN COOP! Well done Alan! We will contact you by email shortly to arrange for you to receive your new engine.

If you'd like to see Alan's project, you an view his powered BBQ here:

Thank you to all the entrants and those of you who've spent time and effort to post your projects up on our page. We hope that you can continue to update everyone with your projects as they progress.

And for all of you who didn't score our new engine, don't worry - we'll be giving away more free stuff shortly. Keep a lookout on our facebook page for the next competition!

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